Pet Survivor Placement

Planning for the future of your pet(s) is something that every responsible pet owner should consider. What would happen to your beloved dog(s) or cat(s) if you couldn’t care for them any longer? East Bay SPCA’s Pet Survivor Placement Program can help provide you with peace of mind about the fate of your pet(s) should they outlive you.

As a member of this program, should your pet(s) survive you, we assure that they are taken into our shelter where they will receive loving care and medical attention while we work to place your pet(s) in a new loving home.

To enroll in our Pet Survivor Placement Program:

  1. Complete a Pet Survivor Placement Program Enrollment Form and Pet Profile for each pet you wish to include in the program. The information you supply will help East Bay SPCA provide your pet with the best possible care and adoption to a new home.
  2. Provide an annual gift to East Bay SPCA of $250 or more per pet. These gifts support our Pet Survivor Placement Program, adoption centers and veterinary clinic.
  3. Include the following in your Will or Trust:
    • That in the event of your serious illness or death, you wish to place your pet(s) in the custody of East Bay SPCA, thereby making East Bay SPCA the legal guardian of your pet(s)
    • Designate the East Bay SPCA as a beneficiary of $2,500 or more per pet to cover the costs of medical care, food, shelter and other expenses for your pet(s) while in our care
    • The name and contact information of a friend, relative or the Trustee/Executor of your estate who will act as an interim care provider and deliver your pet(s) to East Bay SPCA per your wishes
  4. Send the original pet profile(s), enrollment form and copy of your will or trust to East Bay SPCA. You may update or change the information at any time.

For more information on our Pet Survivor Placement Program, contact our Development Department (510) 563-4604 or