
Volunteers allow us to provide great care and varied enrichment to our shelter animals. We are committed to providing thorough, hands-on training with ongoing support to every volunteer.

Already a volunteer? Click the link below to log into the volunteer portal.

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Who Can Volunteer

  • Individuals aged 18 and older.
  • Youth aged 16-17 may volunteer independently but must submit a waiver signed by a parent or guardian.
  • Children ages 10-15 are welcome to volunteer as part of an adult/child team, under the supervision of a trained parent or guardian. A volunteer team is one child per adult.
  • Youth can also volunteer independently through one of our many Humane Education Programs.
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How To Become a Volunteer

  1. Read through our list of current volunteer opportunities to determine which volunteer position(s) you are interested in. Make sure to click the heading to read through the full position description!
  2. Fill out our volunteer application. Acceptance is based on your availability and interests, as well as our current needs.
  3. Complete the online New Volunteer Info Session (2 hours).
  4. Attend an in-person Volunteer Orientation (2 hours).
  5. Attend volunteer position-specific training.
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Oakland Volunteer Opportunities

  • Feline Animal Care – provide a helping hand in the daily care of our cats and kittens, including feeding and cleaning 
  • Canine Animal Care – keep our dogs and puppies comfy and cozy by meeting their daily needs, including feeding and cleaning 
  • Customer Care – greet clients and help to match adoptable animals with their forever families (18 and up)
  • Shelter Care – keep the shelter sparkling and welcoming by assisting with sweeping, mopping, dishes, and laundry
  • Canine Enrichment Creation & Delivery – prepare and deliver in-kennel enrichment items for our dogs and puppies
  • Pet Food Pantry Assistant – bag cat and dog food into weekly portions for use in individual homes (18 and up)
  • Pet Food Pantry Distribution – provide pet food to community members in need (18 and up)
  • Spay & Neuter Surgery Transport– transport shelter animals to or from their spay or neuter surgery (18 and up)
  • Spay & Neuter Clinic Assistant – assist staff with a host of clinic tasks that support our spay/neuter efforts (18 and up)
  • Shelter Medicine Surgical Support Assistant– assist our Shelter Medicine team before and after surgical procedures for our shelter animals (18 and up)
  • Event Ambassador – raise awareness throughout the East Bay about who we are and the many programs and services we offer by tabling at community outreach events (21 and up)
  • Facilities Assistant – assist with fix-it tasks and projects around the shelter (21 and up)
  • Training Class Assistant – assist staff to provide scientifically supported training methods to members of the public seeking behavior resources for their dogs (18 and up, prior experience required)
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Dublin Volunteer Opportunities

We currently do not have any volunteer openings in Dublin.

The application will be kept up to date with openings. We do not have a waitlist, so we kindly ask you to refrain from applying to volunteer if you are only available to volunteer at the Dublin Adoption Center until you see openings on the volunteer application.

When our capacity shifts, we typically offer the following roles for Dublin:

  • Customer Care/Shelter Care– greet clients and help to match adoptable animals with their forever families and keep the shelter sparkling and welcoming by assisting with sweeping, dishes, and laundry (18 and up)
  • Feline Animal Care – provide a helping hand in the daily care of our cats and kittens, including feeding and cleaning 
  • Canine Animal Care – keep our dogs and puppies comfy and cozy by meeting their daily needs, including feeding and cleaning 
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Corporate-Sponsored Volunteering. Double Your Impact!

Did you know many companies encourage employee volunteering with organizations like ours by offering special incentives? Last year, thanks to our dedicated volunteers, East Bay SPCA provided care and comfort to over 2,970 cats and dogs, helping them stay healthy and happy while awaiting their forever homes.

Check below to see if your company offers volunteer grants or Paid Volunteer Time Off (PVTO) programs. You’ll find all the forms, guidelines, and instructions you need to get started.

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Group Volunteer Opportunities

Groups can make a difference by participating in our volunteer program, helping to support a welcoming and clean environment in our shelters. This opportunity requires a screening process to ensure the best fit for our needs. Volunteers must be at least 18 years old. Group volunteer opportunities can be scheduled Tuesday through Thursday between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. To begin the process or learn more about scheduling, email volunteer@eastbayspca.org.

Please view the full Shelter Care position description before emailing to schedule a group.

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Contact Us

Contact our Volunteer Services Department with any questions.

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