Recorded Behavior Webinars

We offer a variety of affordable on-demand, online courses on common cat and dog behavior topics. These presentations include introductory courses on behavior, as well as specialty courses that are designed to help understand and address specific challenges. They are available for you to watch at your convenience for a small fee. Stay tuned as we continue to add new webinar topics!

All course fees support the programs and services of East Bay SPCA.

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Webinars in English

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brown white black dog on grass

Dog Reactivity Basics

Are you looking to reduce unwanted barking? This webinar is for you! Reactivity is our #1 most requested training topic. This module covers everything our certified trainers go over with reactivity private training clients on their first day! From training theory to training exercises, this webinar will jump start your reactivity training journey.

This course includes a single 40-minute training webinar.

Price: $35

cat with paws

Feline Foundations- Cat Communication 101

Identify body language, explore enrichment, and learn skills for interacting more knowledgeably with your feline friends! Whether you’re an animal care professional, a longtime pet owner, a new adopter, or are simply interested in learning more about the mysterious creatures we share our homes with, this course is for you.

This course includes two (2) one-hour long sections with two section quizzes.

Price: $35

white dog with brown ears

Decoding Doggie Dialogues: Canine Communication 101

Ever wondered what your dog is trying to tell you? You may be surprised at just how many signals you can watch for on a daily basis! Our trainers observe and train hundreds of dogs each year, and want to share their knowledge and expertise with YOU! Join our Behavior & Training Associate Chris Money for an in-depth tour of how to read your dog’s signals, and how to effectively communicate back with them!

This course includes three (3) lessons with associated section quizzes.

Price: $35

baby and dog

From Pooches to Parenthood: Preparing Your Dog for Life with a Baby!

Is your dog an only child? Are you worried they might not be ready for a new family member? Fret no further! Our Licensed Family Paws Parent Educator is trained to ease this big transition between you, your dog, and the latest addition to your family. Our experienced trainer will share invaluable tips, techniques, and strategies to ensure a harmonious environment in no time. This guide will teach you how to read your dog’s body language and stress signals, create a training plan, and set up safe interactions to effectively integrate your little one into the home.

Join us to set your dog up for success as you take the first steps in growing your family!

Price: $35

This course includes one (1) 60min webinar.

girl looking down at white cat

Hisses to Kisses: Addressing Fear in Cats

Fear is by far the biggest behavioral challenge faced by our shelter cats. As such, our behavior team knows a LOT about helping fearful cats gain confidence! Join our Behavior & Training Specialist Micah McKechnie for an in-depth guide on how to help scaredy cats overcome fear– whether they are in a shelter, in foster, or their forever home.

This course includes one (1) hour-long lesson with a final quiz.

Price: $25

woman and brown dog on grass

Clicker Training 101

For decades, the scientific community has agreed–training using positive reinforcement (often abbreviated as R+) is the most effective, ethical, and humane way to communicate with our animals. Clicker training has so many applications; helping to attain specific training goals, enriching the lives of our animal learners, and building stronger bonds of communication and understanding between animals and their guardians. We are excited to offer this interactive module as an introduction to positive reinforcement training. These are the building blocks that you can use to begin your training journey!

This module will walk you through the most basic foundations of R+ training, and provide you with the skills you need to begin to explore training for yourself–whether this is with a shelter animal as a volunteer or foster, or with your own critters at home.

This course contains five (5) interactive modules and four (4) section quizzes.

Price: $35

dog with big ears

Decompress for Success: The Science of Managing Canine Stress

Want to learn a few simple tools that you can use to reduce stress and help improve your dog’s quality of life? This mini-module offers 3 easy ways that you can help meet your dog’s needs and encourage relaxation. Whether you are working on a behavior challenge or simply exploring ways to enrich your dog’s life, these are the strategies our certified trainers recommend to get started.

This mini module includes a single 17-minute training webinar.

Price: $15

Webinars in Spanish

white dog on pavement

Comportamiento Reactivo

El comportamiento reactivo es el tema de entrenamiento más pedido por nuestra comunidad! Hay tantos perros que ladran excesivamente ante varios detonantes dentro de su rutina. Éste módulo educativo te ayudará a entender cómo y porqué ocurren estos comportamientos, ofreciéndote una vista general de la teoría de entrenamiento y su relación al trabajar con el comportamiento reactivo. También te enseñará ejercicios de entrenamiento básicos que podrás poner en práctica con tu propio perro, dando el siguiente paso juntos en su entrenamiento. Éste módulo educativo sólo toca la superficie del océano de recursos y entrenamiento que existe hoy en día para ayudar a nuestros perros con comportamiento reactivo.

Este curso incluye un único seminario web de entrenamiento de 40 minutos.

Precio: $35

Decodificando Diálogos Caninos: COMUNICACIÓN CANINA 101

Alguna vez te has preguntado qué es lo que tu perro te está tratando de decir? Te sorprendería saber cuántas señales podrías observar a diario! Nuestros entrenadores observan y entrenan cientos de perros cada año, y quieren compartir sus conocimientos y experiencia contigo! Acompáñanos en este recorrido a profundidad sobre cómo leer las señales de nuestros perros y cómo podemos comunicarnos eficazmente con ellos, así como una descripción general de cómo las últimas ciencias del comportamiento abordan muchos de los desafíos de comportamiento canino más comunes.

Este curso incluye un seminario web de entrenamiento de 1.5 horas, y 3 guias de estudios.

Precio: $35

Is there a persistent behavior challenge you are working with your cat or dog that you would like more information on? Take a look at our Behavior & Training Resource Library for topics and tips you may be looking for or learn more about our Behavior & Training Helpline.

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