New Beginnings

Do you believe in new beginnings?
We sure do at East Bay SPCA! Your support is a lifeline to dogs and cats in need. Because of you, East Bay SPCA has the expertise and resources to treat unique, complex medical cases like Sky and her puppies.
Your donation will directly assist dogs and cats who find themselves in need of a helping hand: for spay/neuter surgeries, veterinary care, foster homes and much more. We rely on gifts from individuals to assure safe, enriching comfortable shelter care.
East Bay SPCA has always been an independent, nonprofit organization dedicated to the prevention of cruelty to local animals. We do not receive funds from any other SPCA, Humane Society or animal welfare organization.
If you have questions or experience technical difficulties with the donation form, please call
510-563-4604 or email
If you wish to donate by mail, please download the Donation Form.